Next Training Date : 29 December to 02 January, 2025

यहां से ट्रैनिंग लेकर लोन नाबार्ड एवं केंद्र सरकार द्वारा चलाई जा रही योजना एन. एल. एम (राष्ट्रीय पशु धन मिशन) के साथ 50% छूट पाने के लिए पूरे भारत में लागू प्रैक्टिकल नॉलेज के साथ सर्टिफिकेट प्राप्त करें


About Us

GIC Fish farming Training or all kinds of Goat Farming and is proud to providing training and general awareness programmes to disseminate the most modern farming techniques.



Excellence in research for developing sustainable and diversified freshwater aquaculture practices for enhanced productivity, quality, water use efficiency and farm income.



Making Indian freshwater aquaculture globally competitive through eco-friendly and economically viable Goat production systems for livelihood and nutritional security


We are going to train everybody interested in establishing a Goat farm & poultry farm and people that already have a farm and want to have more knowledge.

Goat Farming Support:

  • Proper site selection
  • Infrastructure management
  • Easy to understand teaching technique
  • Health management (Precautions to minimize mortality)

Apply to the training program as per the deadline indicated in the website.