We introduce ourselves as a GIC Livestock Commercial Farming Training in Mathura. We have developed model ponds in our training centre for all kinds of Goat Farming and is proud to providing training and general awareness programmes to disseminate the most modern farming techniques. Research Programmes for Goat Biotechnology and Bio-diversity are also proposed to be undertaken at this Institute. Our aim is to provide the sustainable growth of Indian fisheries and aquaculture by interfacing research, Education and extension resulting in a proper fit between the human needs and the habitat, with an important role in global fisheries.
We are going to train everybody interested in establishing a Goat farm & poultry farm and people that already have a farm and want to have more knowledge.Those people interested forward their details in order for us to make proper arrangement.
The training is organized by technical officer and scientist of (C.I.F.A.) three days training with practical. After training provide a valid certificate for lerner and subsidy by goverment scheme.